Merupakan game FPS bertema zombie yang di keluarkan oleh Madfinger Games selaku developer yang juga mengeluarkan serial yang cukup terkenal dengan tema serupa yaitu Dead Triger. Game ini punya grafis yang begitu bagus, yang di buat dengan Engin Unity 5. Terlihat pada efek rerutuhan kota New York yang tampak begitu hidup dengan pencahayaan yang lembut hingga membuat lingkungan permainan terasa begitu nyata.
Cerita di game ini berlatar di kota New York, dalam Unkilled player akan berperan sebagai seorang anggota sebuah organisasi militer bernama WOLFPACK yang bertugas menghalau dan mencegah serbuan mayat hidup sebelum mereka menginfeksi dunia. Tugas player di game ini cukup sederhana, player harus menembus gerombolan zombie dengan persenjataan yang tersedia untuk menyelesaikan misi-misi yang di bagi dalam lebih dari 300 stage.
Meskipun gameplay di game ini terasa mirip dengan Dead Trigger, tapi kontrol di game ini serasa lebih mudah dan menyenangkan. Fitur auto-fire yang akan menembak otomatis saat player mengarahkan senjata ke tubuh para zombie sangat membantu bagi player yang masih awam dengan game tembak-menembak. Saat tengah dalam permainan player juga dapat melakukan variasi serangan dengan menggunakan bermacam senjata seperti roket, atau menggunakan adrenaline untuk membuat situasi di sekitar karakter melambat.
Untuk urusan zombie, ada beberapa jenis dari mereka yang nantinya akan player hadapi dalam permainan, mulai dari zombie raksasa, zombie dengan ranjau di badannya, hingga zombie berseragam mematikan yang akan menguji kesigapan player dalam menghalau mereka. Mekanisme stage yang mengharuskan player menyelesaikan misi untuk melanjutkan ke misi selanjutnya membuat player dapat memahami apa yang sedang terjadi dengan lebih baik, walaupun cerita dari game ini tergolong lemah dalam penyampaiannya.
REQUIRED: Android OS 4.1 And Up
"Grafis menakjubkan dengan banyaknya
efek yang canggih"
"Penyesuaian sistem kontrol yang bagus"
"Pertempuran sengit dengan bos"
"Petualangan berbahaya yang menanti
player di lantai 7"
"Pilihan senjata mematikan yang banyak"
"Ratusan lokasi menarik"
"Tembak menembak zombie dengan
grafis yang enak di lihat
Unkilled v1.0.5
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Mod apk + obb = 368.5mb
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- Karena game online, periksa dulu versi Unkilled di Playstore.
- Download, jika versi masih sama dengan yang ada di Playstore
- Extrak file "zip" nya dengan winrar/zip (kalo tidak punya pc, teman-teman bisa memakai aplikasi android dengan memasangnya dari >>> Play Store <<< atau instal file apknya dengan >>> Zarchiever Pro <<< )
- Instal gamenya (cukup klik file "apk" di file manager.)
- Taruh data di Internal/android/obb/di sini guys (kalau belum ada "BUAT" foldernya manual)
- Koneksikan HH dengan internet. Karena ini game online 😁
- Selamat memainkan gamenya guys......
Dieting for Weight Loss
The most common reason that people cite for dieting today is weight loss. While most of us would love to claim the noble mantle of dieting for health the vast majority of us are doing so for vanity. This, however, is a perfectly acceptable and plausible reason for making the lifestyle changes that are necessary in order to diet. In fact, this reason might prove to be a far greater motivator than many of the other commonly stated reasons for dieting.
When dieting for weight loss one of the most common complaints is constantly feeling hungry. In order to help combat this, you might want to incorporate some of the following strategies into your dieting program. First of all, eat more high fiber foods. Whole grains, apples, pears, and lima beans are a great source of fiber as are many breakfast cereals. Easy does it however when it comes to fiber as it may be filling but there are some unpleasant side effects that may accompany heavy fiber eating (remember that beans are a good source of fiber). Try using a product such as Bean-o when consuming larger amounts of fiber. You might also try spreading your fiber intake throughout the day rather than consuming all your daily fiber at once.
Another method for feeling fuller when dieting is to drink plenty of water while dieting. Water provides an important service to the body and is very necessary when it comes to delivering all the nutrients where they need to go. Water also helps regulate your metabolism, which is very important to the dieting and weight loss process. Additionally, water will help you skin retain its elasticity so that your skin can go more easily back into place once the serious weight loss begins.
Learn to control your portions. We live in a world where portions are over inflated and super sized so often that we no longer know what an appropriate portion looks like. Restaurant meals are quite often more than adequate for at least two full meals and that is before salads, soups, appetizers, or desserts have been ordered. Learning to portion correctly can save you from over loading your calorie intake for the day massively. It can also help you get extra helpings of the lower calorie foods such as lettuce and other vegetables rather than taking such large portions of calorie rich starches or fried foods.
Do not go "Gung Ho". There are limits to what the body and the mind can handle. When you go on a diet you are making a drastic change to your bodies caloric intake. If you go overboard you can lead to health risks along the way. Begin cutting calories a little at a time and incorporate changes as you go rather than going in with an all or nothing attitude. If you go overboard with your dieting plans chances are that you are dooming your diet to failure.
Take your diet one step at a time for the best results and be sure to incorporate extra physical activity into the mix. Even gardening when done on a regular basis can burn calories, so can cleaning the house, and playing with the little ones. Take a walk to the park or the corner store rather than getting in the car and pull a wagon or push a stroller while you're at it. The added weight will be just enough resistance to burn a few extra calories.
Dieting for weight loss does not necessarily have to be a major sacrifice on your part but in order to be successful it will be a radical change in lifestyle, particularly if you need to lose more than a few vanity pounds. The health implications of loosing the weight are well worth the required effort and should not be taken lightly no matter how excited you are about your new body that is hiding inside your old one.